Royal Designs Kitchen Countertops

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Option 1: Text Unsubscribe

  1. Open your messaging app.
  2. Compose a new message.
  3. In the recipient field, enter: 6028851418.
  4. In the message body, type: STOP.
  5. Send the message.

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We respect your privacy, and your decision to unsubscribe will be promptly processed. Thank you for considering Royal Designs for your SMS alerts, and we hope to serve you again in the future.

Terms and Conditions (FCC Requirements):

  1. Consent to Receive Communications:
    • By using our services and providing your contact information through lead generation web forms, you consent to receiving autodialed calls, pre-recorded / artificial audio, SMS/MMS texts, and other electronic marketing communications from Royal Designs regarding Royal Designs services at the phone number provided above, even if the number is on a corporate, state, or national Do Not Call list. Consent is not a condition to purchase services or products.

Best regards, The Royal Designs Team